[OWR] Greece
"Ron Button" schreef in bericht
Yannis your description of 'comfortable night time temps of low mid 20s
'will be enough to send half of this group into paroxsms of horror ,! what
do you do with your blankets ? ! !
Yannis'll know much more of course, but I guess the ususal huminity-levels
in Greece are lower than ours. Thankfully, for these overnight-temps in
Holland would certainly lead to nightmares or non-sleep! Dropping moods and
very bad temper at the end. So now and then I'm a really grateful singer in
this eternal rain:-).
SE Flevolpolder, Centre of the Netherlands; min 3 m asl
105 mm for August thusfar (long term average 60 mm)
Tc 19.1 C -dry, Cu 4/8 - S 2 - 1022 HpA steady