I'm of the same opinion, Nick, but the post was in the context of
fictional characters and who played them, was it not? Anyway, on that
basis why make a comment about Summer of 2008 which itself was practically
fictituous in the context of what we hope a summer will be!!! ;-)
(what a way to go off-topic!)
True. I was only trying to be tongue-in-cheek and all that malarkey but
electronic communication etc can be difficult to get the humour/irony etc
across without being misunderstood/misinterpreted. I suppose that's why they
invented emoticons, but I never got used to those.
Aye, off topic!!
The end.
11 dry consecutive days here. No grass or air frost as yet though last night
came close with a grass min of 2.2°C.
Otter Valley, Devon
83 m amsl