"Ron Button" wrote in message
Yannis your description of 'comfortable night time temps of low mid 20s
'will be enough to send half of this group into paroxsms of horror ,! what
do you do with your blankets ? ! !
Blankets? In summer? Only in interior valleys & plains, as well as more
mountainous areas -certainly not in Athens!
I saw northern Europeans putting on their jumpers when temps fell below 20C
at night with light winds, so the low 20s really is a very comfortable
level -for Greeks as well as foreigners. Remember humidity indices are quite
low in summer (in Athens, not necessarilly all of the country), especially
when the etesians rull. Never has a dew point of 22C or higher been recorded
this summer, even with temperatures close to 40C. Check
http://2004.e-kairos.gr/august.html (third graph, middle of the page) for
average hourly dew points and temperatures during the current month.
Yannis, SE Athens
+32.3C, RH 35%, SLP 1006.4 hPa