Bournemouth warmest and coldest: 15.8°C / -0.4°C
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote in message
"John Hall" wrote :
Colin Youngs writes:
"Bournemouth warmest and coldest: 15.8°C / -0.4°C"
It must be very rare for the same place to be both warmest and coldest.
I suppose that when figures are in from all stations, that may bo longer
be the case. Nevertheless it would be interesting to know if it has ever
happened before.
I think it does happen from time to time, notably at frost-hollow
sites which also tend to be sun-traps during the daytime. We should,
of course, remember that this site is Hurn which, as Martin and
others will tell us, is very different from most of Bournemouth.
Indeed.. it minned out at 5c yesterday morning here in Springbourne, right
by KIngs Park on the east side of town.
The airport is about 4-5 miles inland and on sandy soil, and I've even
recorded almost an air frost (0.0c) in June one year at the station I keep
at the College of Air Traffic Control next-door to the airport terminal.
Jim, Bournemouth.