"Equatorial fetch" Equatorial fetch @ btinternet.com wrote in message
Interesting post as always Yannis.Our Paula Radcliffe runs the women's
Marathon this p.m.
Gee, I just came back from work, I hope it's not too late now that I'm
replying, the women's Marathon should be starting about now! Is there a way
you can still text her? :-)
What sort of temperatures/humidity levels would you expect
during the time concerned?
It is currently +32.2C and RH 35% here in S.E. Athens. Today's
Marathonodromes should be expecting temperatures around 27-31C during their
course. Humidity levels shouldn't be bothering them really. Here are some
webpages that can give you online reports for the route:
http://www.noa.gr/Issues/Weathergr.html (National Observatory of Athens)
http://www.emy.gr/emy/english/ath2004/stations/ams_html (Hellenic National
Meteorological Service. Slow to load, shows current temperatures or winds
around Attica. Click on site of interest for last readings).
(Marathon 1990-2000 average hourly data from the HNMS again).
And a very rough map of the route:
http://www.e-kairos.gr/attica.gif (temps
are for 1510 UTC)
Is the course or part of it much above sea level?
No, not really. I think it's not higher than 350m at any part of the route.
Highest point is between Mt. Imittos and Mt. Penteli, while the finishing
point is at ~80m.
Enjoy the games!
Yannis, SE Athens