Details below, registration form he
Weather and Photography
Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ
This meeting is open to non-members of the Royal Meteorological
Since its invention more than 150 years ago, the impact of photography
on meteorology has been immense.
Recent advances in digital imaging technology have increased both the
availability and portability of highquality
cameras, making the capture of even the most diffi cult meteorological
subjects easier than ever. This
Royal Meteorological Society Saturday meeting aims to cover many of
the varied and interesting aspects and
applications of surface-based photography to meteorology at all levels
from beginner to advanced, and
includes presentations from many of the leading exponents of weather-
related photography in the
United Kingdom today:
• Roger Coulam – noted severe weather photographer and veteran of many
years storm-chasing in the United States
• Storm Dunlop – author of Photographing Weather (Photographers’
Institute Press, 2007)
• Gavin Pretor-Pinney – founder of the Cloud Appreciation Society and
author of two popular best-selling books on
clouds, The Cloudspotter’s Guide and A pig with six legs
• Malcolm Walker – chairman of the Society’s History Group and an
expert on early meteorological photography
There will also be shorter sessions by three leading meteorological
photographers, who will provide details, tips
and practical examples of their weather-related photography, both film
and digital, aiming to educate, enthuse and encourage you to take your
own pictures. The day will conclude with a panel session consisting of
all the day’s speakers:audience participation is actively welcomed!
This is your chance to put your questions to the experts.
10:30 am – Registration
Introduction and welcome - Philip Eden, Vice President
Malcolm Walker - Some of the best meteorological photographs ever
taken: the work of the pioneers pre-1930
Storm Dunlop - Photographing Weather
George Anderson - Photographing for Weather and the Society Calendar
Roger Coulam – ‘Storm Light’ - Extreme Weather photography
Gavin Pretor-Pinney - A Pig with Six Legs and Other Clouds, from the
Cloud Appreciation Society
My weather photography - Stephen Burt
My weather photography - John Mason
My weather photography - Richard Griffi th
Panel discussion and audience questions
Preview and launch of the Society’s 2009 Calendar
5.20 pm – Meeting close
Make it a family day out …
Why not combine the meeting with a day’s Christmas Shopping in London
for the rest of the family?
Registration details
The cost of this meeting will be £10 for Royal Meteorological Society
members and one guest, £15 for nonmembers or additional guests of
RMetS members. This includes morning and afternoon tea/coff ee/soft
drinks. Lunch is not provided, however there are numerous places to
eat within a few minutes walk of the
venue, or you are of course welcome to bring a packed lunch.
All delegates will receive a complimentary copy of the Society’s 2009
Calendar, which will be launched at this event.
To register:
Stephen Burt
Stratfield Mortimer, Berkshire