Willetts Bubble
On Oct 30, 9:47*am, Kate Brown wrote:
On Wed, 29 Oct 2008, Dawlish wrote
On Oct 29, 11:29*pm, Kate Brown wrote:
dearie me. *I quite liked you up till now, Dawlish. *'Twas you who
quoted this rubbish in the first place, I have W killfiled and only see
his witterings if you quote him. I just wish you'd shut up sniping, all
of you (and that includes you too, Dave R), and concentrate on the
You obviously don't like what he says and to
killfile him, you must have felt in a similar way to me, in the past.
Indeed, I'll bet you've said similar things before you killfiled him.
So why so morally indignant now?
I think you don't understand quite how Usenet works, especially as you
seem to be using Googlegroups. *If you quote someone else's post in your
reply, everyone can see it. *I myself should have edited earlier, it's
true. *I don't want to killfile you, Dawlish, because your weather posts
interest me, but I'm really sick of all this sniping, and wish you would
all just stick to the weather. *I consider this topic now closed and
have killfiled the thread, which was a typical example of the most
obnoxious stuff this group sadly can produce.
Kate B
PS 'elvira' is spamtrapped - please reply to 'elviraspam' at cockaigne dot org dot uk if you
want to reply personally
I do understand Kate, but I don't understand the Killfile mentality.
This format is so unbelievably dated and it harks back to earlier days
of the Internet. That's why so few use it. However, there are some
very good people who are well worth reading each day on here. I like
to see the weather reports and Colin's summaries aspecially, but the
discussions are often lame - until some entertainment comes round!
There are always people who are "sick of all this sniping", but if it
didn't interest them (and you) they (and you) wouldn't reply! It's
just an excuse for most to steal the moral high ground, which I never
mind. Glad you find my weather stuff interesting. There's a lot more
on our site.