[OBS] Romsey - Saturday 1st November 2008
After struggling to reach 1mm in almost 5 hours, the intensity
of the rain has steadily increased from moderate at 1500Z to
heavy at 1645Z where it has remained to this observation
65 minutes later. I don't hear many fireworks!
SYNOP 01/1150Z
03/// 11460 80315 10056 20034 40055 57015 69921
76162 8652/ 333 81710 86635 88459 91025 90710
SYNOP 01/1750Z (current ob)
03/// 11335 80115 10066 20058 40040 52005 60152
76566 8372/ 333 10068 83708 88525 90710 91126=
EG// 011750Z 01015KT 3500 +RA SCT008 OVC025
07/06 Q//// YLO1=
wind... N by E, force 4.
visibility... 3500m.
weather... continuous heavy rain.
clouds... 3/8 ST at 800ft, 8/8 NS base 2500ft.
dry bulb... +6.6C.
dewpoint... +5.8C.
RH... 94%.
sea level pressure... 1004.0mb (rising slowly).
max temp today... +6.8C.
rainfall last hour... 7.6mm.
rainfall since 0600Z... 14.7mm.
beaufort letters (1650-1750Z)... cR,cRR.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)