Chris wrote:
I was talking with a farmer in the Vinales valleys last month and asked
him how bad Ike had been and how it compared with previous hurricanes.
Apparently, in 1944 there was a cat 5 but because it travelled the
island at about 50km/hr the damage done was far less than Ike which,
although a cat 4, was travelling at 20-25km/hr.
The scenario with Paloma doesn't look good for Cuba as the current
surface speed is only 13km/hr.
To give the farmer his due, he still managed to see it all with good
humour, commenting that the 350 chickens he had lost to Ike are probably
in the USA now!
I've just added a few more locations to my Americas page in the
Worldwide Reports, this has included another 7 locations from Cuba I
have found. The one of interest will be:
78351 - Santa Cruz Del Sur, Camaguey(2m)#
as this is on a collision course with Paloma, but I expect it to go off
air unfortunately :-( I also made some small adjustments to pick up
some 24 hour rainfall totals for other Cuban locations that are either a
change or I hadn't noticed before.
Keith (Southend)
e-mail: kreh at southendweather dot net