Request To AWS Owners Saturday 8th November 2008
On 9 Nov, 09:49, Waghorn wrote:
On 9 Nov, 09:37, Waghorn wrote:
On 9 Nov, 01:04, Richard Dixon wrote:
Waghorn wrote in news:9fb68cca-adad-4eb6-
This evening an intense ana-cold front is expected to move rapidly
eastwards across the UK.
Anything of note, David?
Dunno where my initial post has gone, anyway...
as Martin has posted there was a tornado (?) in southern Ireland about
0330Z. This appears to be associated with the northern end of a line
segment producing sferics, but radar coverage in the area is sketchy.
Elsewhere there were reports *of gusts to ~60 mph (eg Little
Rissington.). From radar there is evidence for transient LEWP
structures, at least one between Cardiff and Bristol has strong
'broken S' structure implying presence of miso-/mesocyclone. We did
not get the extensive line convection and pressure jump as on 24
September 07, probably because the trough was diffluent type rather
than convergent
I mean't to write 'confluent',
Another cold front, associated with a developing wave, is forecast to
cross Sunday evening into Monday. This time the trough is forecast to
a more confluent type. A TORRO tornado watch and Estofex Level1 have
been issued,