The November meeting of the Royal Meteorological Society will be held
in the Madejski Lecture, Department of Agriculture, Earley Gate, UNIVERSITY
OF READING. Maps are available from the Royal Meteorological Society or from
its web site:
See-saws, oscillations and seasonal foreshadowing: the pioneering work of
Sir Gilbert Walker and modern day understanding of climate variability
2.00 Introduction
Chair: Dr David Anderson, Vice President Royal Meteorological Society
Meeting Organiser: Mr Malcolm Walker, Chair of RMetS History Group
2.10 The classic papers of Walker and Bliss: by Dr Rob Allan, Hadley Centre,
Met Office, Exeter
2.40 Unravelling tropical circulations: by Mr Malcolm Walker, Chair RMetS
History Group
3.10 El niņo understanding and modelling: progress and challenges: by Dr
Eric Guilyardi, The Walker Institute, University of Reading
3.40 TEA
4.00 The North Atlantic oscillation: internal climatic variability and the
influence of external forcing: by Dr Tim Osborn, Climatic Research Unit,
School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia
4.30 Intraseasonal variability in the tropics: the Madden-Julian
oscillation: by Dr Adrian Matthews, School of Environmental Sciences,
University of East Anglia
5.00 The status of seasonal forecasting: from basic science to key
applications: by Dr Tim Palmer, ECMWF
5.30 CLOSE
Rodney Blackall (retired meteorologist)(BSc, FRMetS, MRI)
Buckingham, ENGLAND
Using Acorn SA-RPC, OS 4.02 with ANT INS and Pluto 3.03j