October 2008 Was 6th Warmest on the 129-year NASA Global Land Record.
In the real world,
outside the fossil fuel industry's spin and lies,
global mean surface temperatures continue to rise.
These globally averaged temperature data come from NASA:
They represent the results of tens of millions of readings
taken at thousands of stations covering all the lands of the
Earth over the last 129 years. Yes, the data are corrected
for the urban heat island effect.
The Mean October temperature over the last 129 years is 14.039 C.
The Variance is 0.08678.
The Standard Deviation, or SIGMA, is 0.2946.
Rxy 0.6669 Rxy^2 0.4448
TEMP = 13.69613 + (0.005276 * (YEAR-1879))
Degrees of Freedom = 127 F = 101.737218
Confidence of nonzero correlation = approximately
0.99999999999999999 (17 nines)
The month of October in the year 2008,
is linearly projected to be 14.377,
yet it was 14.68. - 1 SIGMA above projection
The sum of the absolute errors is 22.6987
Equal weight exponential least squares fit:
TEMP = 13.700616 * e^(.0003758 * (YEAR-1879))
The sum of the absolute errors is 22.6870
Rank of the months of October
Year Temp C Anomaly Z score
2005 14.86 0.821 2.79
2003 14.76 0.721 2.45
2007 14.74 0.701 2.38
2006 14.74 0.701 2.38
2004 14.71 0.671 2.28
2008 14.68 0.641 2.18 -
1995 14.60 0.561 1.90
1998 14.58 0.541 1.84
2002 14.57 0.531 1.80
1990 14.51 0.471 1.60
2001 14.50 0.461 1.56
1988 14.47 0.431 1.46
1999 14.43 0.391 1.33
MEAN 14.039 0.000 0.00
1902 13.62 -0.419 -1.42
1892 13.61 -0.429 -1.46
1976 13.60 -0.439 -1.49
1908 13.60 -0.439 -1.49
1880 13.60 -0.439 -1.49
1897 13.59 -0.449 -1.52
1884 13.58 -0.459 -1.56
1904 13.57 -0.469 -1.59
1898 13.57 -0.469 -1.59
1917 13.55 -0.489 -1.66
1912 13.52 -0.519 -1.76
1903 13.50 -0.539 -1.83
1891 13.36 -0.679 -2.31
1886 13.35 -0.689 -2.34
The most recent 191 continuous months, or 15 years and 11 months,
on this GLB.Ts.txt data set are all above the 1951-1980
data set norm of 14 C.
There are 1546 months of data on this data set:
-- 756 of them are at or above the norm.
-- 790 of them are below the norm.
This run of 191 months above the norm is the result of a warming
world. It is too large to occur by chance at any reasonable level
of confidence. A major volcano eruption, thermonuclear war, or
meteor impact could stop this warming trend for a couple of years,
otherwise expect it to continue.