At 00:00z, Super Typhoon CHABA was 17.4N 140.2E moving 300deg at 11kts.
Winds speeds are 150kts with gusts to 180kts. CHABA is forecast to turn
slightly right and will course then to Japan south Coast will not reach
before 5 days. CHABA decrease slightly in intensity.
At 00:00z, Typhoon AERE was 24.8N 123.9E moving 300deg at 8kts. Winds speeds
are 75kts with gusts to 90kts. AERE is forecast to turn over TAIPEI North
Coast and then run to China Coast. Both zones are forecast to be touched by
AERE in next hours for TAIPEI, in two days for CHINA Coast.
At 00:00z, Hurricane FRANK was 18.9N 113.2W moving 325deg at 11kts. Winds
speeds are 65kts with gusts to 80kts. FRANK is forecast to turn slighly
Westward. No land are on the FRANK's way for the time being.
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