" frozen with fear " ....
On Dec 3, 3:05*pm, "JT" wrote:
"Graham P Davis" wrote in ...
Martin Rowley wrote:
" LONDON, Dec. 2 (UPI) -- Early snow blanketed much of Britain
Tuesday, closing schools in northwest England and southeast Scotland
and turning roads icy.
Schools closed? I was talking to a neighbour a few days who was at school
Wales during the '47 winter. Snow was up to the first-floor windows but
no-one missed a day at school.
Times today
snow closes schools in North East after ONE inch of snow fell
In 1947 the schools would have been safer places for the children than
they are today and coupled with the lack of likely home care for most
in the straights of those times, it is no wonder that such weather was
Unfortunately it bred a kind of martyrdom to one's employer and the
work ethic. The price of earning a crust in those days was a
subservience that has become history.
Unfortunately it has been replaced by spoiled brats and vandals. To
send children out unattended when public transport is iffy and roads
filled with criminally stupid drivers, is asking a lot whatever
generation is being considered.
In 1947 you could walk in the road in some degree of safety.
Grow up fool.