{WR} Haytor 12/12/08 (Here comes the rain)
"Dave Liquorice" wrote in message
On Sat, 13 Dec 2008 01:30:42 -0000, Jon O'Rourke wrote:
It wasn't much fun on Runway 08 at Exeter this evening with a 35KT
crosswind EGTE 122150Z 18025G35KT 7000 RA FEW005 SCT010 BKN018 10/09
I've come into Exter from Jersey in a "flying portacabin", a Shorts 360
IIRC. It's a little unerving being on final approach and having an
excellent view of the runway lights out of the passenger windows. Boy did
the pilot put that down hard, no way was he letting it even half think
about bouncing must have been a good 30 degree change of heading on
touching the tarmac.
The likes of Jack and co deserve medals.
Where there any flights?
Not sure how busy they were in terms of flights coming in but there was at
least the one I was on from Alicante which landed at 2145Z; probably about
the same time as the ob above. It was a similar experience to yours in terms
of the touch down, it hit hard. All credit to the pilot though as it was
really being tossed around in the last few hundred feet.