[OBS] Romsey - Sunday 14th December 2008
Visibility of 200m at 0750Z, improved to 400m for a
time around 0830Z but has fallen back slightly to 300m
at 0850Z.
SYNOP 14/0850Z
03/// 41003 73602 10017 20015 49970 52030 74244
876// 333 87700=
EG// 140850Z 36002KT 0300 FG BKN000 02/02
Q/// RED=
wind... N, force 1.
visibility... 300m.
weather... fog.
clouds... 7/8 ST, base below 100ft.
dry bulb... +1.7C.
dewpoint... +1.5C.
RH... 98%.
sea level pressure... 997.0mb (rising).
rainfall last hour... 0.0mm.
rainfall (13/0900-14/0900Z)... 1.3mm.
min temp last night... +0.6C.
beaufort letters (0750-0850Z)... cff.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)