Extremely important announcement! - A Warming Hole in the U.S.
On Dec 17, 7:17*am, Engineer wrote:
Which of these things is not like the others?
Why is there a religion group among the science groups?
The reason that the quaker group is there is because the poster
who signs his posts "David Christainsen - Meteorologist" is trying
to destroy the Quaker newsgroup by flooding it with off-topic posts
about global warming. *Why does he want to hurt the Quakers? *
Because he was expelled from a Quaker meeting for being disruptive.
When you reply to the same newsgroups, letting David Christainsen
control where your posts go, you help him in his ongoing quest to
destroy soc.religion.quaker. *If you delete s.r.q from the
"Newsgroups:" line, you will be doing the Quakers a huge favor.
...And no, he isn't really a Meteorologist. *He belongs to no
meteorology organization, has no degree in meteorology, and
has never held a job in the field of meteorology. *It appears
that his definition of "Meteorologist" is "someone who posts
to a meteorology newsgroup".
There is NO FLOOD.
Possibly because Engineer (Guy Macon) is NOT a
Friend, he does not understand that Friends believe
in stewardship of the earth.
David Christainsen - Meteorologist