Will Hand wrote:
The really interesting stuff will be on Boxing Day and beyond, more on that
as it becomes clearer.
The DT12Z GFS is a cold outlier but now supported by other ensemble members
and the ensemble mean temperature trend is firmly downwards. Also supported
by ECMWF. But let's not get carried away :-)
It is certainly looking a lot more interesting now Will, I'm clinging to
every word of your threads trying to squeeze the last drop out of it ;-)
Seriously though, what is the underlining cause of the models getting
nervous in this way? Jet stream, SST anomalies?
I was also thinking why the hell I want snow, and I guess it's a case of
actually recording one of those memorable winters now I have all the
equipment, yes I have some records of 1963, but these are not mine as I
was just 3 years old then. Gosh, what am I saying, another pink elephant
flies by ...
Keith (Southend)
e-mail: kreh at southendweather dot net