Bad luck Graham! Warmest day here for weeks - 13.4C and reasonably bright
at times.
Lost the cold but also lost the sunshine as well, only managed 0.8 hours
A max of 12.3°C earlier this afternoon. Despite the dullness it is such a
pleasure to outside without feeling the cold. Shame it's all about to change
with a nasty SE wind likely to be blowing down these parts. That can make
things really horrible with a raw wind blowing in off the sea.
This Xmas Day weather looks like it will be a repeat of Xmas Day 2006. We
all went for a stroll along the beach but had to give up after a short while
because the SE wind was so cold it made your face go numb. Perishingly
unpleasant springs to mind. We had to head for the Old Ship to thaw out.
(19:45), 9.8°C, RH 85%, DP 7.3°C, 1031 hPa (R), Wind 6 mph W.
Otter Valley, Devon
83 m amsl