Oh the irony.
I like stereotypes as 9 times out of 10 they tend to be correct- that's why
they're stereotypes! So it occured to me that the sort of people who eat
hardcore wholemeal bread and I don't mean the fluffy dyed stuff from mothers
pride or some brand. No I mean that wholemeal bread you find in health food
shops-you now the stuff that's so heavy it would contravene EEC guidelines
on moving & handling. Now I always get the immpression via friends, some
family and life experience that the bulk of people that consume this stuff
tend gravitate towards groupds like
Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and all sorts of Environmentally orientated
groups. Dare I say anti-global warming protagonist. So as I bought some of
this bread yesterday from my local health food shop in Gaia aware Sydenham,
I had a couple of slices for breakfast this morning. After a physical
struggle to cut the bread I decided to toast it Bloody hell this stuff takes
for ever!
I estimate it takes up to four times as much gas to toast this stuff as it
does with the equivalent white, frowned upon capitalist bread. To make
matters worse you put this heathly organic bread out for the birds they
*ignore it* Yes it's a fact mother nature doesn't like wholemeal bread.
So my conclusions are that toasted Whomeal bread is a major producer of
Co2, in addition it's hostile to the natural world.
Alastair and Kieth take heed, go down to your local Safeways/Morrisons
today, they're doing a special offer on White Medium Slice.
A new slogan for Earth Day
"Mother Earth-Mother's Pride"
Start saving the earth today and earn bonus points.
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