Fleet, Hampshire (ice day)
On 6 Jan, 17:52, Brian Wakem wrote:
Last night min was -7.9C
Today's max was -1.6C
Now falling away very sharply, -4.5C at 17:50.
Brian Wakem
Brian - is your thermometer in a screen, or in the open air? I suspect
if it's just exposed 'shaded from the sun' but otherwise exposed to
the sky you'll be under-reading considerably on clear days like today
because of outgoing radiation and exposure to the low black-body
temperature of the clear sky.
I'm not that far from Fleet and my maximum here today (in Stevenson
screen, open location) was +1.9°C, Bernard Burton in Wokingham was
+1.7°C and Eric Belton in south Reading was +3.0°C. Even Odiham, at
120 m, was +0.7°C. These are all from screen-mounted thermometers, and
are considerably above your quoted value ...
Stephen Burt
Stratfield Mortimer, Berkshire