"Martin Rowley" wrote in message
... to judge by the comments from our neighbours (for whom we were
looking after the house), the hoteliers in the next county along from
you (that's Devon, not Prince Edward Island) are hopping-mad with the
BBC and the Met Office for the coverage of recent weeks (& this is the
latter's first summer in Devon). It's an old story of course: a lot of
coverage of floods, heavy rain, poor weather etc., but in the Torbay
area (and perhaps along the south coast of Cornwall - though haven't
checked that), even if rain has been about, August can often come up
trumps - hence the Cornish Riviera Express! We used to get the same
complaints from touriest boards all around the coast in late summer -
tone down the doom/gloom, we're having a lovely summer! You can't win.
To be fair, they can't *not* extensively report an event as significant
as Boscastle and the reports that I saw made it perfectly clear that
it was *north* Cornwall that was affected and indeed only a tiny part of it.
Bolton, Lancashire.
160m asl.