Latest Hadley Sea Temperature Data Show Accelerated Warming!
Please see:
The Sea Surface Temperature data, or SST, record an
accelerated temperature increase. Here, from Hadley
Centre, are the global sea surface temperatures from
1850 to 2008. As there are few urban centers in the
world's seas, these data are free from urban effects.
Note that data for the last 16 years are all above the
linear trend. This is the result of accelerated warming.
Please see:
The yearly means of these data are graphed he
Regression statistics for the line in the graph at
the URL given above a
Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) -7.658841 0.504840 -15.2 2e-16
Year 0.003878 0.000262 14.8 2e-16
Residual standard error: 0.151 on 157 degrees of freedom
R-Squared: 0.58
F-statistic: 220 on 1 and 157 DF, p-value: 2e-16
Yearly 30-year rolling slopes of the above data are
graphed he
This analysis shows a 0.88K per century per century
acceleration in the sea surface temperature rise
between 1850 and 2008.