On Jan 12, 11:37*am, "1-20-08 The Start of an Abomination"
Abomination @White HOuse.org wrote:
"Roger Coppock" wrote in message
... Latest Hadley Sea Temperature Data Show Accelerated Warming!
Please see:
The Sea Surface Temperature data, or SST, record an
accelerated temperature increase. *Here, from Hadley
Centre, are the global sea surface temperatures from
1850 to 2008.
Wow , i didnt know that the oceans were full of temperature monitoing
stations in the 1800's. Exactly where were they located . Cite us both
locatons and numbers and the type of thermometer that was used back then and
it's accuracy *and error rates.
If you had followed my second URL,
you would have found this:
It pays to read before asking questions.