"Roger Coppock" wrote in message
On Jan 12, 11:37 am, "1-20-08 The Start of an Abomination"
Abomination @White HOuse.org wrote:
"Roger Coppock" wrote in message
Latest Hadley Sea Temperature Data Show Accelerated Warming!
Please see:
The Sea Surface Temperature data, or SST, record an
accelerated temperature increase. Here, from Hadley
Centre, are the global sea surface temperatures from
1850 to 2008.
Wow , i didnt know that the oceans were full of temperature monitoing
stations in the 1800's. Exactly where were they located . Cite us both
locatons and numbers and the type of thermometer that was used back then
it's accuracy and error rates.
If you had followed my second URL,
you would have found this:
It pays to read before asking questions.
from your cite:
The number of available stations was small during the 1850s, but increases
to over 3000 stations during the 1951-90 period.
Thus we can ignore the infinitely small data samples from the 1850's to the
1950's because the temperature data is inaccurate . Just like all those heat
islands on land that now measure temps over concrete buildings and
parklinglots, where green grass and wodlands were just 75 years ago.