wrote in message
On Jan 13, 1:05 pm, "Dave Cornwell"
Today is the first temperature above 10C here since December 23rd. That
the last day of a six day run of +10C. The last time before that was
November 27th. In fact since November 21st there have only been seven days
with temperatures above 10C.
I've almost forgotten the cold spell, just the common garden variety
of banal zonality which I have to say seems like another world.
Pick out some of those dates for heavy snowfall in the S.E. Then look at the
archive charts that produced them. Not that it's likely to cheer you up
Lawrence. I'm afraid I wonder why we get excited on here sometimes. There is
just no comparison. Mind you January 12th 1987 was a bit exceptional in any
era. I mean -20C 850 hPa in the S.E must have been promising for the most
sceptical of chart watchers!