wrote in message
On Jan 16, 10:33 am, "DeadFrog" wrote:
wrote in message
On Jan 14, 6:29 pm, wrote:
obzon wrote:
HOW many times have you heard or read words to the effect that 4000
scientists from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change (IPCC)
supported the claims about a significant human influence on climate?
Usually only when I read denialist nonsense: such a claim would be an
appeal to popularity, which is a logical fallacy that scientists would
not indulge in.
In other words, whether 4000 scientists agree with something or not is
a manufactured controversy used as a red herring/strawman by the idiot
My feelings exactly -- how many scientists agree
on something is irrelevant.
So are you simply putting on a pretense of
being rational about AGW, or are you actually
open-minded and rational about it?
How about discussing the facts rationally?
Here are some earlier arguments, put
together on these web pages:
true.blue.bluey - good luck finding any facts in that lot.
Not to worry, true.blue.bluey appears a true AGWer.
In other words, he is not bothered by facts and logic.
Oh, you are priceless. Are you still denying the advances in science made in
the last 60 years?
Denialism is your faith.