On Fri, 16 Jan 2009 16:55:44 +0000, Dave Ludlow
Met Office Early Warnings for wind Saturday/Sunday & Advisories for
snow Monday/Tuesday are out today.
Down here on the Central South Coast, It's the wind to watch out for
on Saturday night rather than any significant snow next week, I
suspect. It seems unwise to me for the South Coast (apart from the
South West) to be excluded from today's Advisories
I meant early warnings. It was pretty obvious even to amateur me that
the entire South Coast area should have been included in yesterday's
Early Warnings for wind, not only the South West.
Finally, they've caught up and issued a Flash Warning - at 20:23 this
evening and far too late. Fortunately, I warned my family down on the
Solent coastline, yesterday.
A day too late!