On Thu, 22 Jan 2009 11:04:26 +0000, Jim wrote:
I'd like to dip my toe in getting current weather conditions from a wireless
weather station. Ideally I'd like it to be wireless (802.11), solar powered
and have Macintosh client-side sofwtare.
And cheap. Sub-100quid would be very, very nice.
It doesn't need to collect a lot of data - to be honest I'm mainly
interesting in temperature, and it doesn't even have to keep a log, current
values are fine.
I suspect I'm basically asking for the moon on a stick, but I thought I'd
Many thanks.
I suggest you have a look at
http://www.aceselectronics.co.uk/ where there
is a large range of stations ranging from £30 upwards. to get one that
links to a computer you are looking at £100 upwards as far as I could see.
You may well have a problem in getting a low cost station that works with
Mac software.
There are many other suppliers but this one gives an idea of what is on the