Wireless weather station recommendations?
On Thu, 22 Jan 2009 11:04:26 +0000, Jim wrote:
I'd like to dip my toe in getting current weather conditions from a
wireless weather station. Ideally I'd like it to be wireless (802.11),
solar powered and have Macintosh client-side sofwtare.
I don't think you'll find an 802.11 based one. They use the wireless for
the remote sensors to send data to the console that interprets their
information into human readable form on the display.
Ths console then connects to a computer via a serial or USB connection. I
don't think there are any ethernet ones about.
It doesn't need to collect a lot of data - to be honest I'm mainly
interesting in temperature, and it doesn't even have to keep a log,
current values are fine.
Plenty of remote reading, non-logging, non-computer connected,
thermometers about for £30 or less.