lowest recorded pressure in the British Isles 937.6 mbar ?
On 22 Jan, 08:19, "N_Cook" wrote:
"December. Wet and windy, cold in the north. A gust of nearly 90 mph was
recorded at Leeming on the 15th. A pressure reading of only 937.6 mbar was
recorded at Stornoway on the 20th. This was the lowest pressure reading in
Britain for nearly a hundred years"http://www.personal.dundee.ac.uk/~taharley/1982_weather.htm
General electronic repairs, other than TVs and PCshttp://www.divdev.fsnet.co.uk/repairs.htm
Diverse Devices, Southampton, England
British Isles lowest MSLP was 925.6 mbar at Ochtertyre, near Crieff,
Perthshire at 2145h on 26 Jan 1884. More in my article 'The Lowest of
the Lows ... Extremes of barometric pressure in the British Isles,
Part 1 - the deepest depressions' in Weather, Jan 2007.
There have been six occasions in the last 200 years or so when the
pressure has fallen below 940 mbar at one or more sites, the 1982
event being the most recent.
Stephen Burt
Stratfield Mortimer, Berkshire