Lowest Jan barometer in 60 years in southern England
"Alan Gardiner" wrote in message
. ..
On Fri, 23 Jan 2009 11:33:36 -0000, Philip Eden wrote:
968.1mbar at Hampstead at 0555 and 0600; estimated (from
barograph) 969.8mbar here at Whipsnade around 0600.
It seems that my 966.6 is a low value suggesting I may need to recalibrate
the offset. However the Teddington NPL value looks to be very close to
966mbar (+-0.3) so I am not sure how far out my value is and I need to
at the deviation at the other end before taking any action.
Alan ... from the several Davis sites I look after I get the impression
that the pressure sensor is systematically a little high at high values,
and a little low at low values. But I must emphasise I haven't done
any proper analysis though ...it will, I'm afraid, have to take its place
in the queue.