I heard a bird singing all night long through the worst of the cold
spell earlier this month. A pigeon I think. Does he know something we
On Jan 24, 8:09*pm, "Will Hand" wrote:
Noticed the birds were singing rather a lot today, and quite late in
the afternoon too, till at least 20 minutes after sunset. Have to
admit I don't really notice if they ever stop in the middle of the
winter, but the fact I noticed them today suggests that they do....
Since it's not exactly warm at the moment I can only guess they can
sense the increasing daylight?
Birds were singing at around noon today in Haytor Nick. Very melodious. But
then again it felt warm and spring-like with sunshine, no wind and a
temperature around 7C! The visibility and light quality was superb too and
if it were not for the bare trees, the temperature and the clothes I was
wearing it could easily have been August.