METAR / SYNOP quiz question
On 28 Jan, 17:48, "Phil Layton" wrote:
The Heathrow SYNOPs and METARS are produced from 2 separate systems. They
have different results.
Is this what has happened here?
Ahh - a good point. I had assumed it was different averaging times
possibly. This is what confuses me, on the Meteo-France site, they say
that they use 0.5-second gust averages for gusts.
The peak gusts for that day match up with the ones in the SYNOP
reports, with the METAR numbers always lower, but then again they use
the last 10 mins in the hour. What confuses me is surely the SYNOP
numbers then should be 3-second gusts as per the WMO standard?
I'm saying this purely because I got a gut feeling that the wind gusts
reported on the coast (115 mph) seemed too high for the intensity of
the storm. A gut feeling, mind.