Will Hand wrote:
Will Hand wrote:
FWIW I've updated early given the upcoming weather situation for
upland areas of the SW.
Please, ... I do know that most of you don't live here but it gives
you my thinking which may be of some miniscule tiny value :-)
Now just watch all the 00Z runs come in mild and zonal :-(
D'oh the deep link is
Thanks Will.
Just a little guidance, what sort of maximum temperatures would you
think we are looking at in the SE from Monday to Wednesday? I think
we'll see snow, but not so sure it'll stick. Temperatures to the east
atm are still slightly above freezing, had we been looking at -10°Cs and
less I would be thinking of Armageddon, but we're not ;-)
Keith (Southend)
e-mail: kreh at southendweather dot net