Looks OK to me, Dick, with light winds and over 6 hours of sunshine. Other
stations in the northeast without fog were reporting 6C at 1200z. Albermarle
ascent would support a max of 8C given the conditions.
Bernard Burton
Wokingham, Berkshire, UK.
Satellite images at:
"Dick" wrote in message
On Jan 29, 11:12 am, Ken Cook wrote:
09Z-09Z 29th January 2009
Lead Mill 218m
Max 3.9C(09Z29th) min -2.6C
Met O 253m
Max 8.3C(1330Z28th) min -1.3C grass -8.5C rain 0.4mm sun 28th 6.2hr
At the time of 8.3C max at Met O site, Lead Mill was 2.0C
Thick fog since 20Z last night
Currently(11Z) vis 100m temp 3C
More snow next week?
Copley, nr Barnard Castle, Teesdale, County
That max of 8.3C at the Met Office site looks suspect. The nearest
radiosonde ascent, not too far away at Albermarle, showed no sign of
an inversion at your elevation at 12Z yesterday, and indicated a
temperature of about 3C at 250m. I notice the Met Office give 8.2C at
Durham as the highest max for NE England yesterday, so presumably they
dismissed it.
Dick Lovett