Andrew Bond wrote in message ...
"Tom" wrote in message
. ..
Also, the confession by a Met Office spokesman "that the five-day on-line
forecasts were "cheap and cheerful".
I seriously can't believe that they would say that.... from a commercial
aspect that's just plain suicide. They sell the bl**dy things to the BBC,
government sites etc... to say they are "cheap and cheerful" yet still
charge over 10x in the industry price is incredible.
Hey Andrew, how's the Tesco contract coming along ? :-)
Love your "mountain forecasts" especially for the Yes Tor and High Willhays
'ranges' on Dartmoor, they are all of, let me see, circa 300 metres apart from
each other LOL :-)
Still they're cheap (free !) and cheerful (straight from the relatively coarse
GFS model). Seriously, the presentation is rather nice - well done !
Will (still wombling).
" How many beancounters can you stuff into a lightbulb :-) "
A COL BH site in East Dartmoor at Haytor, Devon 310m asl (1017 feet).
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