Much colder just inland...
Hi Nick,
You're almost right with Feb '96 as far as we in Romsey are
concerned (2 doses of 3 days each) but more recently, a fall
of 2cm occurred on 28th December 2000, and sat around
for 4 days.
Currently we have a wintry mix of snow, ice pellets and rain
(mostly the first 2 of those), in the moderate category, trying
to settle. *The precipitation began at 2100Z as light snow.
Nigel *(Romsey, Hampshire)
Similar here (Southampton) - but has just become proper snow in
Southampton (around 2240)
Some settling on car roofs.
Actually today was colder than expected: it was supposed to be the
"mildest" day of the week but it definitely felt colder than
yesterday, due I suspect to the wind going round to the east again.