On Feb 12, 12:11*pm, wrote:
On Feb 12, 10:59*am, David wrote:
On Feb 12, 11:01*am, Peter Franks wrote:
David wrote:
David Christainsen - Meteorologist
What increase in mean global temperature would lead to the "complete
collapse of the West Antarctica Ice Sheet"?
I cannot answer your question specifically. *However -
Adapting to our changing climatewww.atse.org.au/uploads/Focus149.pdf
"For the West Antarctica Ice Sheet, the major concern
waesel word count: "the major concern" - 3
is that warmed ocean water is penetrating beneath
the ice sheet that is grounded below sea level, melting
it at its base. There are observations indicating both of
"are observations" - 2 - total 5
these processes may already be occurring. However,
"may already be occurring" - 3 - total 8
our current understanding is too limited to estimate
how much faster sea level could rise."
Cool. An admission if complete ignorance.
Extract -
I just read Hansen et al. article published in 1981 in
Science (for other reasons that the present discussion).
It predicts a 2.5-4.5 °C warming for 21st century according
"predicts" - 1 - total 9
to fossil fuel proportion in energy use. It says precisely that
a 2°C global warming would be enough for a 5°C warming
"would be" = 2, total 11
of the West Antarctica Ice Sheet, whose melting could be
rapid (”requiring a century or less and causing a sea level
"could be rapid" = 3, total 14
rise of 5 to 6m” that “would flood 25% of Louisiana and
David Christainsen - Meteorologist
"would flood" = 2, total 16
Neat stuff.
I took your post as a joke.
Meteorology means uncertainly. I you can't handle it,
get out of the business.
To be perfectly clear, I myself don't expect the "complete
collapse of the West Antarctica Ice Sheet" in the
next 1000 years.
David Christainsen - Meteorologist