Next week northerly looking less likely?
cheers Will...
great insight as always.
Will Hand wrote:
Very much so. As we go into March we should end up with an easterly. I'm not
relying on model outputs for this, but the following reasoning. The
northerly (which I never really talked about) was never really on IMO.
Instead, if you remember I talked about a return to Atlantic mobility from
NW to SE, that will happen of sorts but the main effect will be to transfer
the high cell from over us to just further east and then build over
Scandinavia. There is just enough progression in the longwaves to allow
this. Once established the pattern will be of the correct wavelength to
become stationary allowing the very cold and potentially bitter spell with
widespread snow to begin.
terry tibbs wrote:
so much for a false spring!
is the cold still on Will?
Dave Cornwell wrote:
It would appear that Mr.*******i's warning of continued severe cold
and Will's thoughts of a cold outbreak and false Spring now look to
have been postponed or abandoned. Despite the charts seemingly
unanimous on a strong northerly a couple of days ago it seems less
likely now. More than a week ahead again ........... always the
same. Some good drying weather instead, hopefully.