19 February 2009
Wokingham 0900z 270 02kt 1300m BR RE-RA REFG 2St001 6St002
+6.9/+6.3 QFF 1027.9 +0.9 in 3hr
RMK 3Sc045 /Ac070
Drizzle for much of the time since 15z yesterday. Fog at first light,
300m, lifted to mist at 0820z. A few spots of rain noted at 0840z.
09-09 Screen max 9.7 min 6.7 Grass min 6.5
Rain 1.5 Sun (00-24) 0.0
AWS max 9.6 min 6.4
Wokingham 1500z 290 03kt 17km 1Cu018 3Sc030 7Sc040
+9.0/+4.5 QFF 1028.3 +0.2 in 3hr
RMK Cu fra. Dry since 09z, mainly cloudy, but some brief
sunny ints before midday.
Max temp so far 9.7C at 1231z
Bernard Burton
Wokingham, Berkshire, UK.
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