{WR} Haytor 21/2/09 (warm sunshine)
Nick Gardner wrote:
Because it is still winter. Plenty of time for warm Spring and Summer
Try and tell that to the frogs, bumblebees and ladybirds. The
blackbirds are going mad too. It'll come as a shock if it goes cold
again. Then again, we nearly always get a cold spell at some point
during the real spring. Last April is an example.
They'll cope Nick, they are British after all!
Just come back from a walk and the wind was surprisingly nippy, given how
warm it felt earlier.
Mind you it was coming straight off the snow covered eastern slopes of the
Hameldown Ridge, quite a lot still up there in the gullies. Nearest natural
snow patch to me is about 400 metres away, it looks like sugar now, just
like the Alps in August :-)
My Ma says there is always a touch of spring in a Devon winter.
Oooh Ah!
Plenty more dry weather to come this week, enjoy, and make the most of it!