On 24 Feb, 19:41, Graham P Davis wrote:
Paul Herber wrote:
Anyone have any idea what's up with the arctic ice maps at the moment?
I try to look athttp://www.abmcdonald.freeserve.co.uk/north.htm
frequently and even the source of these maps shows very incomplete
Tryhttp://www.seaice.de/where there are various sources of ice data.
There's the thumbnails ate the top of the page, The second link has some
useful stuff. I usually go to the 4th link, University of Bremen because of
inertia I suppose - I've been using it for several years.
Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks., UK. *E-mail: newsman not newsboy
Useful site, thanks. Nice to see the polar bears got some company!
Penzance (where approx 60% of this months 90.4mm rainfall fell in just
24 hours)
www.sennen-cove.com/lbtdy.htm (earlier today - before it clouded over.)