And here in the Otter Valley, Devon:
1st to 12th Feb:
Mean Max: +5.5°C
Mean Min: -0.3°C
Mean Temp: +2.6°C
Rain: 51.5 mm
Sunshine: 32 hours
13th to 24th Feb:
Mean Max: +11.2°C
Mean Min: +5.5°C
Mean Temp: +8.1°C
Rain: 2.2 mm
Sunshine: 35 hours
Mean temperature now teetering on the edge of +ve anomaly territory whilst
the mean max has entered it.
The consistent 'warmth' since the 13th has been very noticeable. I thought
this was going to be a late spring but everything has now advanced quickly
and it seems that things are now ahead. I saw celandines in flower today.
Otter Valley, Devon
83 m amsl