Is Spring springing yet?
jbm wrote:
Having got rid of the white plague, I spent a pleasant afternoon in
the local woods with the dog, though she saw no rabbits or squirrels
to attract her over eager attention. However, what I did notice was
1. daffodils showing yellow tips;
2. several trees with buds about to open;
3. the elder bushes certainly opening their buds with little green
shoots; and
4. the best show of snowdrops I've seen for many a year.
So is spring around the corner, or is another round of frosts going
to put paid the whole lot?
The snowdrops have been the best I've seen for many years. Even the locals
agree, and they say is that it's because we have had a proper cold 'un. Not
sure whether that's the reason or not. Yes my daffs are now coming through
nicely too though growth of things is still pretty slow due to the soil
still being cold (below 5C). Time to sow the veggies under glass this
weekend. But to answer your question JBM (Jim?), yes we are in for a wintry
spell but British native species will survive it as they are designed to and
anyway it is not going to be severe, just a normal old-fashioned March cold,
(and for some), snowy spell.
Will (Dartmoor)