You larn summat every day!
I was contemplating buying a small unit last month when I remember seeing
the GFS run and thinking "This high is gonna be around for a while" but
couldn't justify the cost against the fact that I'd only use it for a
fortnight every year. Saying that, I think I'll buy one in the January sales
when they will be at their lowest prices.
"Jon O'Rourke" wrote in message
"WasTA" wrote in message
One thing I have been amazed to learn in this newsgroup this week, is
there are houses in the UK with air conditioning having only seen it in
Middle East many years ago (I have it in the car, and would certainly
get one without, as I use it for 8000 work miles a year)
I bought a portable unit a few years ago to combat the PC and TV. It
struggled a bit on the hottest days but did make a worthwhile difference
the room temperature and perhaps more significantly the humidity. Now very
noticeable how much less water is being condensed out compared to last
Well worth it IMHO if you don't like the heat, which I've a feeling you
don't Trevor !