It's raining today so there can't be a drought.
Peter Franks wrote:
znobo wrote:
Meko, who was asked by the California Department of Water Resources
to pursue the research, said understanding more about natural
variability in the Colorado is important to the region's water
managers. "Water managers rely on wet years to refill reservoirs," he
And there is the problem. Relying on "wet years" is nothing more than
someone who lives paycheck-to-paycheck, trying to keep a step ahead of
The so-called water 'managers' are charlatans and should be fired
The history of western water availability CLEARLY SHOWS that you CAN'T
rely on wet years to refill reservoirs -- there MUST be alternative
and reliable sources.
It really doesn't matter if current droughts are caused by or
exercerbated by (A)GW. The water 'managers' are negligent in their
duties, their policies are flawed, and the results are finally being
manifest. In typical style, they choose to blame someone or
something else.
Time to look inside and clean the vessel.
And then get water from... where? lol