[OBS] Romsey - Tuesday 3rd March 2009
Frontal passage with associated veer and decrease in wind
occurred at 2040Z. A second pulse of heavy rain between
2000Z and 2015Z was accompanied by winds reaching
force 7.
SYNOP 03/1850Z
03/// 41345 81823 10079 20067 49902 57077 76366 8752/
333 85707 86615 88540 91034 90710 91139=
SYNOP 03/1950Z
03/// 41340 81922 10078 20066 49880 57072 76366 8772/
333 84707 86712 88535 91036 90710 91138=
SYNOP 03/2050Z (current ob)
03/// 41357 82512 10068 20058 49873 56054 76366 8652/
333 82707 85620 88550 91027 90710 91146=
EG// 032050Z 25012G27KT 7000 RA FEW007 BKN020
OVC050 07/06 Q//// RERA WHT=
wind... WSW, force 4.
visibility... 7km.
weather... moderate rain, continuous (recent heavy rain).
clouds... 2/8 St base 700ft, 5/8 Sc base 2000ft,
8/8 Ns base 5000ft.
dry bulb... +6.8C.
dewpoint... +5.8C.
RH... 93%.
sea level pressure... 987.3mb (rapid fall, slight rise, then steady).
max temp today... +9.5C.
rainfall last hour... 4.0mm.
12 hour rainfall (0900-2100Z)... 14.1mm.
beaufort letters (1750-1850Z)... crr.
beaufort letters (1850-1950Z)... crr,cR,cr.
beaufort letters (1950-2050Z)... cr,cR,cr.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)
40m amsl