The oldest rocks in the coastal sections are of Upper Permian age,
about 210my old, the youngest rocks are the Upper Cretaceous chalk of
the 'Old Harry Rocks' east of Swanage, dated at 65my old.
You're right! I cannot remember why I typed 500 million years knowing
forewell that the oldest rocks are just over 200 (well I thought 230)
millions years old.
I should remember to read my posts before sending.
The term Jurassic Coast always causes problems with people living\visiting
here in the part of Devon and that is why I think it is a poor name. The
locals and holiday-makers get confused when you tell them that the rocks at
Jacob's Ladder Beach at Sidmouth are Triassic in age. Also, the local pub
quiz exploits this by asking the inevitable question from time to time; what
age are the rocks at Sidmouth? Nearly everyone puts Jurassic! Then the usual
heated discussions start when they realise they have got it wrong.
Thanks for the corrections
Otter Valley, Devon
83 m amsl