Avalon Harbor, Santa Catalina Island, CA 1988
"MadCow" wrote:
Now THAT'S a Shore Break!
Useless one though, there's nothing rideable
In my "Immortal" Youth, I Body Surfed Santa Monica when the Beach was
closed due to high waves (caused by opposite effects of your Picture -
North East Bound Winds) that touched the bottom of the Santa Monica Pier.
Beach Closed No Problem, simply go to the end of the Pier and jump in! Also
did 2 rounds at the "Wedge" which will get the attention of even the most
"I'll Be Here Forever" "Dude". Back in the 60's there was a guy in a
wheelchair that'd sit and watch the waves and those that rode'em. On the
back of his Wheelchair was a sign that read "Victim of the Wedge". So as
"The Nothing Rideable", well some things just depend on your state of mind
Crazy Ed